Campus as Obstacle Course

New York Times

We approached the front door. The college had installed automatic openers for Alex, but he wanted me to see how hard it is to get through heavy doors without them. There would be many doors to push through on campus. “Try it without the door opener,” he said, “and you’ll see what I mean.”.

Impacted by Sioux City, Watters looks to give back.

Sioux City Journal

“SIOUX CITY | Three weeks after Alex Watters first enrolled in Morningside College in 2004, he returned to Sioux City in the bay of a life-flight helicopter, unconscious, en route to Mercy Medical Center for emergency spinal surgery.

While visiting friends and family in Okoboji, Watters had been involved in a diving accident that damaged two of his vertebrae and pinched his spinal cord.”

CHOICES YOU MAKE: Okoboji graduate shares message with students, parents

Dickinson County News

"I saw (public speaking) as an opportunity to impact the world around me. That's my driving force right now, to leave the world in a different place," Watters said. "After my speeches I'd have people come up to me and tell me how much it meant to them. It made me realize that I can do this, that I can make an impact, even if I just get to that one person."

Sioux City Councilman Alex Watters loses home health aide

Sioux City Journal

The problem, as Watters described it, is "so multi-faceted": the low unemployment rate in the Sioux City metro has deprived companies like Recover Health of sufficient numbers of workers. Medicaid, which Watters uses to pay Recover, pays a reimbursement rate that can make for a challenging bottom line, leaving little money to attract home health aides. 

Ode: Part of my body may be paralyzed, but I'm going places

ODE - Storytelling

I was walking out on a dock around midnight, about 150 feet from shore, when a cold gust of wind blew my hat off. It landed in the water. I took off my shirt and dove in. That’s when I remember hearing it. The sound of my neck snapping. The water was 18 inches deep. I told myself, “You got start swimming, man. You got to swim.” But I couldn’t.


Brandon Madison - Firefighter - Onawa Fire Department

“College advisor and motivational speaker, Alex Watters, uses humor and his life story to engage his
audience into living their life to their fullest potential. Our audience laughed and learned as Alex recalled
events from his past. His motivation can apply to practically any industry or group of people, however
his story fit in perfect and served as a great reminder for the first responders/volunteers of our
community. We all need a jumpstart from time to time - a fresh look at how we are doing in life – Alex’s
story and perspective on life was just the jumpstart our audience / Fire Department needed to analyze
what we are trying to accomplish in life and to always live life to the fullest. His humorous and touching
stories eventually came to conclusion which brought everyone in the room to their feet for a standing
ovation. This is a speaker the Onawa Volunteer Fire Department and their supporters will never forget. “


Detail 3

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Detail 4

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As a service to our members, the Siouxland Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with our Good Government Committee, invited the four individuals seeking election to the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors to promote their candidacy in a personal interview with this committee.

The Chamber performs this task as one component of the research required to promote informed voting while advancing the mission of our organization, which remains to help our local economy grow through the promotion of job creation, economic development, and quality-of-life initiatives. Based on this process, as well as the recommendation of the Siouxland Chamber of Commerce Good Government Committee, the Executive Committee, and a subsequent vote of the Board of Directors, the following candidate for Woodbury County Board of Supervisors has been endorsed by the Siouxland Chamber of Commerce:


We strongly encourage our members to engage in the democratic process by voting in this election.
— Siouxland Chamber of Commerce
The Sioux City Professional Firefighters Association I.A.F.F. Local 7 is endorsing candidate Alex Watters for the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors District 4 seat.

Although we do not regularly endorse County Supervisor candidates, we feel that there is too much at stake in this election. We feel that Alex Watters will not only listen to our concerns, but vote for what is best for Woodbury County.

His background in dispute resolution and willingness to work with and listen to everyone regardless of party affiliation is just what this county needs. His dedication and enthusiasm will revitalize the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors and his involvement with young professionals make us hopeful for the future of Woodbury County.

We feel that he is the right choice to make positive change and we encourage the citizens of Woodbury County to join us in supporting Alex Watters for Supervisor.
— IAFF Local 7
This organization is proud of its endorsement of Alex Watters for Woodbury County Supervisor. We believe that he will be a strong advocate for Iowa’s working families,” remarked Danny Homan, President of AFSCME Iowa Council 61.

“Iowans need more elected officials who will support investing in education, job training, and health care. Alex Watters will work hard to grow the middle class by supporting these priorities,” added Homan.

AFSCME Iowa Council 61 PEOPLE committee is made up of elected representatives in Iowa’s four Congressional districts. They are chosen by a convention of AFSCME members every two years. AFSCME is known for its political grassroots program which produces hundreds of volunteer’s statewide in campaigns.

AFSCME Iowa Council 61 represents 40,000 workers statewide including public employees working for state government, local government, and school districts. AFSCME Iowa Council 61 also represents home care workers, child care workers, and workers at several private sector employers.
— AFSCME Council 61
The Communications Workers of America Local 7177 is endorsing candidate Alex Watters for the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors District 4 seat.

After much deliberation we believe that Alex will be a voice of reason and an open-minded addition to the board. His desire for open communication, collaboration and accountability are just what the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors will need to strengthen the relationship between the board and the Sheriffs Union. We are confident that Alex will put the needs of the county first.

Alex Watters represents a fresh perspective that can revitalize the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors. We feel that he is the right choice to make positive change and we encourage the citizens of Woodbury County to join us in supporting Alex Watters for Supervisor.
— CWA Local 7177